Google is reportedly working on the Pixel Tablet 2, expected to launch in 2025. The new tablet may feature an upgraded camera system, improved chipset, and keyboard compatibility. A prototype keyboard cover is in development, and there are speculations about a stylus being introduced. The design is likely to remain similar to the current model, which runs on Android 13 and features a Tensor G2 processor. The Pixel Tablet 2 may come pre-installed with Android 15 or 16, but it is unlikely to be available in the Indian market.
Google is reportedly working on the Pixel Tablet 2, expected to launch in 2025. The new tablet may feature an upgraded camera system, improved chipset, and keyboard compatibility. A prototype keyboard cover is in development, and there are speculations about a stylus being introduced. The design is likely to remain similar to the current model, which runs on Android 13 and features a Tensor G2 processor. The Pixel Tablet 2 may come pre-installed with Android 15 or 16, but it is unlikely to be available in the Indian market.
•Anticipated features include an upgraded camera and improved chipset.
•A prototype keyboard cover is being created for enhanced functionality.
•Speculations suggest a stylus may be introduced with the new tablet.
•The design will likely resemble the current Pixel Tablet.
•The current model runs on Android 13 and features a Tensor G2 processor.
•The Pixel Tablet 2 may come preinstalled with Android 15 or 16.
•It is unlikely to be available in the Indian market.
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When is the Google Pixel Tablet 2 expected to be released?
What new features are expected in the Pixel Tablet 2?
Will the Pixel Tablet 2 be available in India?