Priyanka Chopra Jonas actively engages her fans through social media, sharing personal moments and behind-the-scenes glimpses from her projects. Her latest post features stunning sunkissed photos while she is filming the second season of 'Citadel.' Chopra revealed that she joined the 'Citadel' project in early 2018, before her marriage to Nick Jonas, and expressed her excitement about the show's global storytelling ambition. Prior to 'Citadel,' she worked on films like 'The Bluff' and 'Heads Of State.'
Priyanka Chopra Jonas actively engages her fans through social media, sharing personal moments and behind-the-scenes glimpses from her projects. Her latest post features stunning sunkissed photos while she is filming the second season of 'Citadel.' Chopra revealed that she joined the 'Citadel' project in early 2018, before her marriage to Nick Jonas, and expressed her excitement about the show's global storytelling ambition. Prior to 'Citadel,' she worked on films like 'The Bluff' and 'Heads Of State.'
•Shares personal moments and behindthescenes glimpses.
•Latest post features beautiful sunkissed photos.
•Currently filming the second season of 'Citadel.'.
•Joined 'Citadel' project in early 2018 before marrying Nick Jonas.
•Expresses excitement about the show's global storytelling.
•Previously worked on films 'The Bluff' and 'Heads Of State.'.
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When did Priyanka join the 'Citadel' project?
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