Actor Sara Ali Khan is set to star alongside Sidharth Malhotra in an upcoming untitled film directed by Deepak Mishra, known for the acclaimed series Panchayat. The film will explore a rural folk story, focusing on local traditions and cultural values, providing both actors with challenging roles. This project marks their first collaboration, generating excitement among fans. Production is expected to begin in early 2025. In addition, Sara has another film, Metro In Dino, while Sidharth has recently appeared in Yodha.
Actor Sara Ali Khan is set to star alongside Sidharth Malhotra in an upcoming untitled film directed by Deepak Mishra, known for the acclaimed series Panchayat. The film will explore a rural folk story, focusing on local traditions and cultural values, providing both actors with challenging roles. This project marks their first collaboration, generating excitement among fans. Production is expected to begin in early 2025. In addition, Sara has another film, Metro In Dino, while Sidharth has recently appeared in Yodha.
•Directed by Deepak Mishra, known for Panchayat.
•The film will explore a rural folk story.
•Focus on local traditions and cultural values.
•First collaboration between Sara and Sidharth.
•Production expected to begin in early 2025.
•Sara also has Metro In Dino in the pipeline.
•Sidharth was last seen in Yodha (2024).