A married woman, Pratima Navankur, filed a complaint in Jaipur against her husband, Arif Inayat, alleging financial pressure and threats of divorce. Pratima claims Arif coerced her into a physical relationship before their marriage in 2021 and sold her ancestral property without her consent. Currently suffering from dengue fever, she is also caring for their sick daughter while Arif neglects their medical needs. Pratima believes Arif's political influence hindered her from reporting earlier. The police are investigating the case, which reveals Arif is allegedly already married with five children.
A married woman, Pratima Navankur, filed a complaint in Jaipur against her husband, Arif Inayat, alleging financial pressure and threats of divorce. Pratima claims Arif coerced her into a physical relationship before their marriage in 2021 and sold her ancestral property without her consent. Currently suffering from dengue fever, she is also caring for their sick daughter while Arif neglects their medical needs. Pratima believes Arif's political influence hindered her from reporting earlier. The police are investigating the case, which reveals Arif is allegedly already married with five children.
•She alleges financial pressure and threats of divorce.
•Claims Arif coerced her into a physical relationship before their marriage in 2021.
•Arif allegedly sold her ancestral property without her consent.
•Pratima is currently suffering from dengue fever while caring for their sick daughter.
•She believes Arif's political influence prevented her from reporting earlier.
•The police are investigating the case, revealing Arif is allegedly already married with five children.