Fliers in India will soon have access to in-flight internet services, allowing them to use apps like WhatsApp and stream videos at altitudes above 3,000 meters. The Indian government has mandated that airlines, including Indigo and Air India, implement this feature as part of the Flight and Maritime Connectivity Rules, 2018. Passengers can use Wi-Fi only when electronic devices are permitted on board. This long-awaited service aims to enhance the flying experience by providing connectivity during flights.
Fliers in India will soon have access to in-flight internet services, allowing them to use apps like WhatsApp and stream videos at altitudes above 3,000 meters. The Indian government has mandated that airlines, including Indigo and Air India, implement this feature as part of the Flight and Maritime Connectivity Rules, 2018. Passengers can use Wi-Fi only when electronic devices are permitted on board. This long-awaited service aims to enhance the flying experience by providing connectivity during flights.
•Passengers can use apps like WhatsApp and stream videos at altitudes above 3,000 meters.
•Airlines such as Indigo and Air India will implement this feature.
•The Indian government has mandated this under the Flight and Maritime Connectivity Rules, 2018.
•WiFi access is allowed only when electronic devices are permitted on board.