Suryakumar Yadav will captain India in a four-match T20I series against South Africa starting November 8. He has scored four T20I centuries, including one against South Africa during the last tour in December 2023. In two previous T20Is in South Africa, he averaged 78 with a strike rate of 169.56. The series was arranged recently and will take place in Durban, Gqeberha, Centurion, and Johannesburg. The Indian squad includes notable players like Hardik Pandya and Kuldeep Yadav, who recently took 5 wickets in a match against South Africa.
Suryakumar Yadav will captain India in a four-match T20I series against South Africa starting November 8. He has scored four T20I centuries, including one against South Africa during the last tour in December 2023. In two previous T20Is in South Africa, he averaged 78 with a strike rate of 169.56. The series was arranged recently and will take place in Durban, Gqeberha, Centurion, and Johannesburg. The Indian squad includes notable players like Hardik Pandya and Kuldeep Yadav, who recently took 5 wickets in a match against South Africa.
•Series starts on November 8, featuring four matches.
•Yadav has four T20I centuries, last one against South Africa in December 2023.
•In two T20Is in South Africa, he scored 156 runs at an average of 78.
•Series arranged after discussions between BCCI and CSA.
•Matches will be held in Durban, Gqeberha, Centurion, and Johannesburg.
•Indian squad includes players like Hardik Pandya and Kuldeep Yadav.