Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur is set to create a sequel to his classic film Masoom, titled Masoom: The Next Generation, with filming expected to start in February 2025. The original 1983 film was celebrated for its emotional depth and exploration of family dynamics. While details about the cast and storyline are still under wraps, the sequel aims to address modern family complexities through a new generation's perspective. The project has generated excitement among fans, as it promises to blend nostalgia with contemporary social themes.
Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur is set to create a sequel to his classic film Masoom, titled Masoom: The Next Generation, with filming expected to start in February 2025. The original 1983 film was celebrated for its emotional depth and exploration of family dynamics. While details about the cast and storyline are still under wraps, the sequel aims to address modern family complexities through a new generation's perspective. The project has generated excitement among fans, as it promises to blend nostalgia with contemporary social themes.
•Filming is expected to start in February 2025.
•The original Masoom was released in 1983 and was praised for its storytelling.
•The sequel will explore modern family complexities through a new generation's eyes.
•Fans are excited for the blend of nostalgia and contemporary themes.