Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for using central agencies to undermine his image ahead of the upcoming assembly elections. He challenged the BJP to confront him directly rather than attacking him covertly. Soren highlighted the failures of the BJP-led government, including the closure of schools, cancellation of ration cards, and lack of public service exams during their tenure. The Jharkhand Assembly elections are set for November 13 and 20, with results on November 23.
Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for using central agencies to undermine his image ahead of the upcoming assembly elections. He challenged the BJP to confront him directly rather than attacking him covertly. Soren highlighted the failures of the BJP-led government, including the closure of schools, cancellation of ration cards, and lack of public service exams during their tenure. The Jharkhand Assembly elections are set for November 13 and 20, with results on November 23.
•He challenges BJP to confront him directly instead of attacking from behind.
•Soren points out failures of BJPled government: school closures, ration card cancellations.
•Jharkhand Assembly elections scheduled for November 13 and 20, counting on November 23.
•In 2020, JMM won 30 seats, BJP 25, and Congress 16.