Google has launched the Android 15 update for Pixel devices, while OnePlus and Nothing are also rolling out beta versions for select models in India. OnePlus supports devices like the OnePlus 12 and Nord CE 4, while Nothing offers the beta for Phone 2 users. Both brands have customized software versions, OxygenOS and Nothing OS, respectively. Users can sign up for the beta program and install the update through their device settings, but it's advised not to use beta versions on primary devices due to potential bugs.
Google has launched the Android 15 update for Pixel devices, while OnePlus and Nothing are also rolling out beta versions for select models in India. OnePlus supports devices like the OnePlus 12 and Nord CE 4, while Nothing offers the beta for Phone 2 users. Both brands have customized software versions, OxygenOS and Nothing OS, respectively. Users can sign up for the beta program and install the update through their device settings, but it's advised not to use beta versions on primary devices due to potential bugs.
•OnePlus and Nothing are rolling out beta versions in India.
•Supported OnePlus devices include OnePlus 12, 12R, Nord CE 4, and Nord CE 4 Lite.
•Nothing supports Phone 2 and Phone 2a for the beta.
•Users must sign up for the beta program to install the update.
•Installation involves checking for updates in device settings.
•Beta versions may have bugs; not recommended for primary devices.