Agencies have seized over Rs 588 crore in poll inducements under the Election Commission's supervision during the assembly elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand, as well as bypolls in 14 states. Seizures in Maharashtra reached Rs 280 crore, a 170% increase from 2019, while Jharkhand saw a 742% rise to Rs 158 crore. Freebies accounted for 40% of the total seizures, with significant amounts of cash, drugs, and precious metals also confiscated. The Election Commission has emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards electoral inducements.
Agencies have seized over Rs 588 crore in poll inducements under the Election Commission's supervision during the assembly elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand, as well as bypolls in 14 states. Seizures in Maharashtra reached Rs 280 crore, a 170% increase from 2019, while Jharkhand saw a 742% rise to Rs 158 crore. Freebies accounted for 40% of the total seizures, with significant amounts of cash, drugs, and precious metals also confiscated. The Election Commission has emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards electoral inducements.
•Maharashtra's seizures reached Rs 280 crore, a 170% increase from 2019.
•Jharkhand's seizures rose to Rs 158 crore, a 742% increase from 2019.
•Freebies make up 40% of total seizures, valued at Rs 241 crore.
•Significant amounts of cash, drugs, and precious metals also confiscated.
•Election Commission emphasizes a zerotolerance policy towards inducements.