Katrina Kaif was spotted at Mumbai airport on November 7, making a stylish departure for an undisclosed location. Accompanied by her husband Vicky Kaushal, she showcased a chic all-white outfit complemented by a grey oversized jacket, black tote bag, and white sneakers. The couple was photographed as Vicky dropped her off, dressed casually in a sleeveless white t-shirt. Katrina's recent work includes the film 'Merry Christmas' and she will soon appear in 'Jee Le Zaraa'. Vicky is set to star in 'Chhaava' and 'Love & War'.
Katrina Kaif was spotted at Mumbai airport on November 7, making a stylish departure for an undisclosed location. Accompanied by her husband Vicky Kaushal, she showcased a chic all-white outfit complemented by a grey oversized jacket, black tote bag, and white sneakers. The couple was photographed as Vicky dropped her off, dressed casually in a sleeveless white t-shirt. Katrina's recent work includes the film 'Merry Christmas' and she will soon appear in 'Jee Le Zaraa'. Vicky is set to star in 'Chhaava' and 'Love & War'.
•She was dropped off by husband Vicky Kaushal.
•Dressed in an allwhite outfit with a grey oversized jacket.
•Styled with a black tote bag, tinted sunglasses, and white sneakers.
•Recently appeared in 'Merry Christmas' and will star in 'Jee Le Zaraa'.
•Vicky Kaushal will be seen in 'Chhaava' and 'Love & War'.