Shalini Passi, an art collector and philanthropist, shared her quirky habit of bringing fresh vegetables from Delhi to Mumbai, citing their superior quality. In an interview, she humorously mentioned her preference for Delhi's produce, especially beetroots, due to their proximity to Punjab. Beyond her culinary quirks, Passi is a significant figure in the Indian art scene, founding the My Art Shalini Pahal and the Shalini Passi Art Foundation to support emerging artists. She is married to Sanjay Passi, a businessman leading a successful dealership network.
Shalini Passi, an art collector and philanthropist, shared her quirky habit of bringing fresh vegetables from Delhi to Mumbai, citing their superior quality. In an interview, she humorously mentioned her preference for Delhi's produce, especially beetroots, due to their proximity to Punjab. Beyond her culinary quirks, Passi is a significant figure in the Indian art scene, founding the My Art Shalini Pahal and the Shalini Passi Art Foundation to support emerging artists. She is married to Sanjay Passi, a businessman leading a successful dealership network.
•She brings vegetables from Delhi to Mumbai for their freshness.
•She humorously prefers Delhi's produce, especially beetroots.
•Passi founded My Art Shalini Pahal and the Shalini Passi Art Foundation.
•She supports emerging artists and promotes Indian art.
•Shalini is married to businessman Sanjay Passi, head of a dealership network.