The third season of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives introduced new cast members, including Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Shalini Passi. A notable incident involved Riddhima spilling wine on Shalini, who later reflected on the moment and the current OTT culture, criticizing its tendency to pit women against each other. Shalini emphasized her desire to avoid conflict and focus on positivity, stating that her behavior comes from a secure place. She also shared insights about her personal life, including her marriage to Sanjay Passi and their son, Robin.
The third season of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives introduced new cast members, including Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Shalini Passi. A notable incident involved Riddhima spilling wine on Shalini, who later reflected on the moment and the current OTT culture, criticizing its tendency to pit women against each other. Shalini emphasized her desire to avoid conflict and focus on positivity, stating that her behavior comes from a secure place. She also shared insights about her personal life, including her marriage to Sanjay Passi and their son, Robin.
•Riddhima Kapoor Sahni spilled wine on Shalini Passi, creating a memorable moment.
•Shalini criticized the OTT culture for promoting conflict among women.
•She aims to focus on positivity and avoid causing harm to others.
•Shalini is married to Sanjay Passi, with whom she has a son, Robin.