Seema Sajdeh revealed her rekindled romance with former fiancé Vikram Ahuja on Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives Season 3, following her divorce from Sohail Khan. In an interview, she expressed her concerns about the public nature of their relationship, particularly regarding the impact on their children. Seema emphasized the importance of considering family feelings and the scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. Despite her initial hesitation, she felt compelled to share her authentic story, marking a new chapter in her life while prioritizing family harmony.
Seema Sajdeh revealed her rekindled romance with former fiancé Vikram Ahuja on Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives Season 3, following her divorce from Sohail Khan. In an interview, she expressed her concerns about the public nature of their relationship, particularly regarding the impact on their children. Seema emphasized the importance of considering family feelings and the scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. Despite her initial hesitation, she felt compelled to share her authentic story, marking a new chapter in her life while prioritizing family harmony.
•Her marriage to Sohail Khan ended after 24 years.
•She expressed concerns about public scrutiny and its impact on their children.
•Seema emphasized the importance of family feelings in her decision to go public.
•Despite initial hesitation, she felt compelled to share her authentic story.
•The relationship marks a new beginning for Seema after her divorce.