Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their baby girl, Dua Padukone Singh, on September 8. Deepika has been sharing her experiences of motherhood, including the challenges of adjusting to new routines. She recently shared an Instagram reel that humorously depicted a baby's struggle to stay awake, which resonated with her. Deepika also shared a glimpse of Dua during Diwali, revealing her name and expressing gratitude. On the professional front, Deepika and Ranveer are set to appear together in the film 'Singham Again.'
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their baby girl, Dua Padukone Singh, on September 8. Deepika has been sharing her experiences of motherhood, including the challenges of adjusting to new routines. She recently shared an Instagram reel that humorously depicted a baby's struggle to stay awake, which resonated with her. Deepika also shared a glimpse of Dua during Diwali, revealing her name and expressing gratitude. On the professional front, Deepika and Ranveer are set to appear together in the film 'Singham Again.'
•Deepika shares her motherhood experiences on social media.
•She recently posted a relatable Instagram reel about a baby's sleep struggles.
•Deepika revealed Dua's name during Diwali, expressing love and gratitude.
•The couple will appear together in the film 'Singham Again.'.