Film producer Tutu Sharma is launching Citara, a multiplex chain aimed at tier-II and tier-III cities in India. The initiative responds to the growing demand for affordable entertainment in these regions, with ticket prices set to be 30-40% lower than established multiplexes. Citara will offer a comfortable movie experience with screen capacities of 90 to 110 and plans to include retail outlets, gyms, and children's play areas. Operations will begin in six cities by November 2024, with an expansion goal of 150 screens by FY26.
Film producer Tutu Sharma is launching Citara, a multiplex chain aimed at tier-II and tier-III cities in India. The initiative responds to the growing demand for affordable entertainment in these regions, with ticket prices set to be 30-40% lower than established multiplexes. Citara will offer a comfortable movie experience with screen capacities of 90 to 110 and plans to include retail outlets, gyms, and children's play areas. Operations will begin in six cities by November 2024, with an expansion goal of 150 screens by FY26.
•Focus on affordable entertainment with ticket prices 3040% lower than average.
•Screen capacities will range from 90 to 110.
•Additional attractions include retail outlets, gyms, and children's play areas.
•Operations to begin in six cities by November 2024.
•Expansion plan aims for 150 screens by FY26.