Passive investing in India has seen significant growth, with assets under management (AUM) reaching ₹11 trillion, accounting for 16.5% of the total ₹68 trillion mutual fund market. This growth is primarily driven by exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds, which are designed to replicate the performance of underlying indices. The increasing popularity of passive investment strategies reflects a broader trend towards cost-effective and diversified investment options among Indian investors.
Passive investing in India has seen significant growth, with assets under management (AUM) reaching ₹11 trillion, accounting for 16.5% of the total ₹68 trillion mutual fund market. This growth is primarily driven by exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index funds, which are designed to replicate the performance of underlying indices. The increasing popularity of passive investment strategies reflects a broader trend towards cost-effective and diversified investment options among Indian investors.
•Assets under management (AUM) reached ₹11 trillion.
•This represents 16.5% of the ₹68 trillion mutual fund market.
•Growth is driven by ETFs and index funds.
•These funds aim to mirror the returns of underlying indices.