Apophis, a near-Earth asteroid discovered in 2004, initially raised concerns about a potential impact with Earth in 2029, estimated at a 2.7% chance. However, further observations confirmed it will not collide with our planet. On April 13, 2029, Apophis will pass within 30,600 kilometers of Earth, providing a unique opportunity for scientific study. The asteroid, measuring approximately 450 meters across, will be visible from parts of Europe, Africa, and western Asia during its close approach. NASA's OSIRIS-APEX mission will study Apophis starting in 2029.
Apophis, a near-Earth asteroid discovered in 2004, initially raised concerns about a potential impact with Earth in 2029, estimated at a 2.7% chance. However, further observations confirmed it will not collide with our planet. On April 13, 2029, Apophis will pass within 30,600 kilometers of Earth, providing a unique opportunity for scientific study. The asteroid, measuring approximately 450 meters across, will be visible from parts of Europe, Africa, and western Asia during its close approach. NASA's OSIRIS-APEX mission will study Apophis starting in 2029.
•Initially had a 2.7% chance of impacting Earth in 2029.
•Further observations confirmed no collision will occur.
•Will pass 30,600 km from Earth on April 13, 2029.
•Visible from Europe, Africa, and western Asia during the close approach.
•NASA's OSIRISAPEX mission will study Apophis starting in 2029.