A 63-year-old man from Hyderabad was defrauded of ₹50 lakh through a fraudulent stock market scheme promoted in a WhatsApp group. The scam involved a fake financial advisor who lured the victim with promises of high returns and facilitated investments through a bogus platform called "Skyrim Capital." The incident highlights the increasing vulnerability of elderly individuals to online scams. In a related case, deepfake videos of prominent figures were used to deceive other victims into investing in fraudulent schemes. Authorities urge caution and awareness to protect against such scams.
A 63-year-old man from Hyderabad was defrauded of ₹50 lakh through a fraudulent stock market scheme promoted in a WhatsApp group. The scam involved a fake financial advisor who lured the victim with promises of high returns and facilitated investments through a bogus platform called "Skyrim Capital." The incident highlights the increasing vulnerability of elderly individuals to online scams. In a related case, deepfake videos of prominent figures were used to deceive other victims into investing in fraudulent schemes. Authorities urge caution and awareness to protect against such scams.
•The scam was run by a fake financial advisor in a group called "Stock Discussion Group.".
•Victim was lured by promises of high returns and enrolled in online classes.
•Investments were made through a fraudulent platform named "Skyrim Capital.".
•The victim realized it was a scam when he couldn't withdraw his funds.
•Other cases involved deepfake videos of business figures used to deceive victims.
•Authorities warn the public, especially the elderly, to be cautious of online investment schemes.