Recently, images of Elon Musk's college physics homework surfaced online, prompting a response from the billionaire himself. The posts, shared by user Dima Zeniuk on social media platform X, featured Musk's handwritten calculations on deriving moments of inertia from first principles. Musk confirmed the authenticity of the work and noted that some pages were missing. The post went viral, garnering nearly 60,000 views and various reactions from users, including admiration for Musk's early academic work and curiosity about how the notes were obtained.
Recently, images of Elon Musk's college physics homework surfaced online, prompting a response from the billionaire himself. The posts, shared by user Dima Zeniuk on social media platform X, featured Musk's handwritten calculations on deriving moments of inertia from first principles. Musk confirmed the authenticity of the work and noted that some pages were missing. The post went viral, garnering nearly 60,000 views and various reactions from users, including admiration for Musk's early academic work and curiosity about how the notes were obtained.
•The posts were shared by user Dima Zeniuk on X.
•Musk confirmed the authenticity of the calculations on moments of inertia.
•Some pages of the homework were missing from the shared document.
•The post attracted nearly 60,000 views and various user reactions.