Varun Dhawan has revealed a fierce new look for his upcoming film 'Baby John' through a motion poster released during Diwali. The poster features Dhawan's face reflected on a blood-streaked axe, suggesting a revenge-driven storyline. A special Taster Cut will premiere in cinemas on November 1, followed by a digital release on November 4. The film's team expressed their dedication to the project and requested audiences to respect their work by not sharing content from the Taster Cut. 'Baby John' is set for a theatrical release on December 25, 2024.
Varun Dhawan has revealed a fierce new look for his upcoming film 'Baby John' through a motion poster released during Diwali. The poster features Dhawan's face reflected on a blood-streaked axe, suggesting a revenge-driven storyline. A special Taster Cut will premiere in cinemas on November 1, followed by a digital release on November 4. The film's team expressed their dedication to the project and requested audiences to respect their work by not sharing content from the Taster Cut. 'Baby John' is set for a theatrical release on December 25, 2024.
•The poster features Dhawan's face on a bloodstreaked axe, hinting at revenge.
•A special Taster Cut will premiere in cinemas on November 1.
•Digital release of the Taster Cut is set for November 4.
•The film's team emphasizes the project's significance and requests respect for their work.
•'Baby John' is scheduled for theatrical release on December 25, 2024.